Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hmff, well, Mamma took us out to the park today for walkies, just like she said she would, she's definitely a mamma of her word, that one, but you know what? Just because we were there for quite a while, and she got hungry (it WAS dinner time, after all), she decided to get take out on the way home - and DIDN'T share! Well, i tell you what, there was slime-a-plenty going on that's for sure. Between me and Nooks, we definitely made her pay for not sharing her dinner! I mean, after all, what's a hungry newf to do when there's great smelling food afoot, and it's not shared out!
Well, we're off to have our own dinner now,
woofs and tail wags,

Mamma's note: Hee Hee, ok boofhead, point taken, now call off the slime before i have to call nasa

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