She thought i was such a good boy, she went out and got me a brand spanking new squeaky toy to destroy .....
She was sooooo very bossy about it though, i mean, she made me go onto a drop stay and everything before she'd let me play with my new toy !
Nooks came over to give me some moral support, but i soooo didn't need it, i've got drop stays covered, and after what felt, like, FOREVER, i got to play with my new toy, arooooooooo
Mmmmm, Chicken, nom nom nom nom nom
But you'll never guess what happened next dogs, one minute, innocent lil old me is playing with my new squeaky, just squeaking away, and the next thing ........
Kuma just strolls up and, like, totally STEALS my new squeaky, like, just steals it right from under me! Should I be calling the police?
I think i definitely have a very good case for Grand Theft Chicken !!!